Committee Application

There are many ways to become involved in IMHCA and a committee is a great way to support programming directly. Help develop, explore, and build on what IMHCA has to offer its members!

Legislative and Public Policy CommitteeResponsible for monitoring the activities of the State and National Legislatures, the Iowa Licensing Board, developments relative to the welfare and working conditions of mental health counselors, informing the Board and Membership of these developments, and advising the Board and Membership of appropriate actions. The LPP committee works with the Lobbyist contracted by the Board to work on behalf of the Association. This committee also organizes the “Day on The Hill” event annually.
Membership CommitteeThe membership committee carries out the major membership work of the Association and shall be responsible for encouraging and promoting the addition of new members and the retention of current members. The Membership Development Committee shall encourage active participation of members.
Networking and Communications CommitteeThe Networking and Communications committee shall coordinate and direct all networking events and all communications. This committee will foster positive public relations through creating flyers, blogs, newsletters, annual reports and other documents as established by the chair to be posted on the website, sent out through email, and shared on social media. This committee will coordinate with the website coordinator and membership development committee to promote the association events and interests.
Conference CommitteeThe Conference Committee shall be responsible for planning and organizing the IMHCA Annual Conference.
Continuing Education CommitteeThe Continuing Education Committee ensures compliance with accrediting organizations for continuing education credit for members, affiliate members, and other attendees of educational programming as deemed appropriate by The Board. They will develop educational opportunities for those in the field of mental health services as well as members in addition to the annual conference. The chair will ensure that the annual conference meets all accrediting requirements. New opportunities for accreditation can be explored by this committee.
From the IMHCA Bylaws.

Committee Member Application

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  • Max. file size: 32 MB.