Day on the Hill

Please join the Iowa Mental Health Counselors Association (IMHCA) at the State Capitol Building on Monday, March 13, 2017 to take part in our annual mental health advocacy day. IMHCA representatives ask that you stand in support of fellow and future mental health counselors as we meet with legislators to discuss issues important to our profession and the state of the mental health delivery system in Iowa.

The event will kickoff at 2 PM with a tutorial in the legislative dining room before we head upstairs as a group at 3:00. Members from IMHCA’s Board of Directors along with our lobbyist, Emily Piper, will be available to help answer any questions related to the impact proposed legislation could have on mental health counselors and consumers throughout the state.

No one can tell your story better than you! This is your opportunity to talk about the role that you play in providing mental health services in Iowa, the types of cases that you see, the demand for your services, and the impact privatization of Medicaid has had on your ability to provide those services.

Students, client advocates, and our respected colleagues from the many other provider groups in Iowa who share in our concerns are also encouraged to attend!

To RSVP for this event or to learn more about how to get involved, interested parties should send an email to [email protected]. You can also contact the Government Relations Committee Chair directly by calling 641-247-8114. Welcome packets will be distributed via email to those who RSVP at least one week in advance. This packet includes an event agenda, an outline of talking points and tips for first-time attendees, a summary of important legislation moving through the House and Senate, and much more! A small number of copies will also be available on the day of the event.

Please make time in your schedule to join IMHCA at the Iowa State Capitol on March 13th at 2 PM. Thank you in advance for your support, and we look forward to seeing you on the hill!


Kacey Peterson, MS, LMHC

President-Elect | Government Relations Committee Chair