Iowa Crisis and Disaster Response Coordination
Thank you for your interest in ensuring mental health professionals are able to effectively and collectively respond to crisis and disaster events across the state. The following professional organizations have come together to create this survey in an attempt to coordinate crisis and disaster response efforts: The Iowa Mental Health Counseling Association (IMHCA), The Iowa Psychological Association (IPA), and The Iowa Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW Iowa Chapter).

The purpose of this interest form is to collect contact information, training, expertise, and interest for crisis and disaster response efforts. This will be used for a range of crisis situations and disasters throughout the state, so you will notice that the questions vary to represent needs for various response types. Events are responded to by various organizations throughout the state and we are attempting to gather information we know they have needed in the past. You will have the option to skip certain questions if they do not apply to you. Your data and contact information will only be used for the purpose of disaster relief and crisis response needed in the state of Iowa. These three membership organizations listed above will have access to survey responses. Your information will not be available to other respondents. Lists may be shared with response teams after an incident in the state to recruit assistance. You will be contacted quarterly to review your information to ensure your continued interest in remaining on this list. At these times, you can let us know of any changes and we will update your information.
Please reach out to Courtney Ackerson, Executive Director of the Iowa Mental Health Counselors Association, with any questions:
[email protected].
Additional information about the Iowa Behavioral Health Disaster Response Team (DBHRT):
Under the Iowa Department of Human Services, the
Iowa Disaster Behavioral Response Team (DBHRT) is a trained team of volunteers who can mobilize resources to provide post-disaster mental health services statewide. The goal of the Iowa DBHRT is to provide an organized response to individual victims, family members, volunteers, responders, survivors, or the community affected by critical incidents or disasters.
The Disaster Behavioral Health Response Team provides services for community providers based upon local area needs and may be delivered at a disaster site in an affected community or statewide. Services may include providing the following:
**Behavioral health needs assessment following a disaster.
**Brief crisis counseling and intervention
**Community outreach
**Public information and education
**Behavioral health consultation for providers, communities and others
**Screening and referral for those affected