The following are notes from Courtney Ackerson, IMHCA Executive Director. Notes are from attending the Iowa Board of Behavioral Health Professionals meeting. These notes are not official from the DIAL or the licensure board in any way. Any feedback regarding the accuracy of these notes can be submitted to [email protected] for adjustments. IMHCA feels that the Iowa Behavioral Health Professionals Board meeting information is pertinent to our practice and to our members thought their purpose is the protection of the public. These notes contain helpful tips, rule clarification, and updates.
Open Session
I. Call Meeting to Order (9 a.m.)
o A. Roll Call — Staff: Tony Alden (board administrator), Katrina Phillip and one additional representative from the attorney general, bureau chief board operations for the board, Doug Bartels (Chief Health Professionals Investigator). Board: Aaron Culley (present), Jillyn Kaufman (present), Echo Kent (present), Amy Mooney (present), Lora Keipper (Absent), Laura Fuller (Present), Maria Valdovinos (Present), Nolan Byrnes (absent).
Guests: Dr. Cooper (Iowa Psychologist), Dave (Iowa Psychologist, IPA president), Courtney Ackerson (IMHCA executive director), Jennifer Becker (observer), and Carolina (waiver request)
Quorum is present.
o B. Introductions
o C. Announcements – None
II. Opportunity for Public Comment –
o Question from Dr. Cooper about where the advisory committees are in the process of being developed. Tony replied that he is accepting nominations and there is no formal process for that. – At the end of the public meeting, Tony made sure that Courtney had an email from him about these advisory groups. She noted that the email was forwarded to him with four names. Courtney will call for LMFTs as well and get those to Tony.
III. Discussion & Vote on Meeting Minutes
o A. Jul. 30, 2024 — regular meeting
Corrections made in EPPP part 2 references and a few typos under one of the waivers.
o B. Aug. 21, 2024 — special meeting
o Aaron asked if the minutes could be approved with corrections. Tony noted that they could. Corrections were made on the documents. Approved with corrections. All in favor, no opposed and no abstained
IV. Discussion & Vote — Proposed bylaw amendment regarding exam policy (Association of State & Provincial Psychology Boards)
o Item moved to after public comment.
o Reviewed the positions of the Iowa Psychological Association.
o Frequently Asked Questions about the EPPP
o Texas board of licensure has written to the Association for State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB). The board has reviewed this letter.
o Motion to support the request for an amendment to the rule as other states have done. All in favor, but Echo Kent abstained.
V. Rulemaking or Guidance Related to Board Rules
Petition(s) for Rule Waiver — The Board will review and vote on requests for waiver of administrative rules. Looking for hardship, equal rights of others not impacted by waiver, is it mandated by law, is there a public health and safety issue?
A. Lydia Villarreal — IAC 645 – 31.6(2), Content-equivalent program
B. Patricia Guy — IAC 645 – 280.5(1), educational qualifications
C. Charlie Saunders — IAC 645 – 31.7(2)”d”, request for alternate supervisor
D. Carolina Isleib — IAC 645 – 280.6(3), supervision plan requirement
E. Desiree Dread — IAC 645-31.3(1)”c”, exam requirements – NCMHC waiver
Break at 10:10 AM and then the board will go into closed session.
Closed Session
VI. Items for Review and Discussion — Pursuant to Iowa code section 21.5(1)(a) to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential; Iowa code section 21.5(1)(d) to discuss whether to initiate licensee disciplinary investigations or proceedings; Iowa code section 21.5(1)(f) to discuss the decision to be rendered in a contested case conducted according to the provisions of chapter 17A.
o A. Closed Session Minutes (21.5(1)(a))
o B. Complaints & Investigative Reports (21.5(1)(d))
o C. Notice of Hearing, Statement of Charges (21.5(1)(d))
o D. Combined Statement of Charges, Settlement Agreement & Final Order / Settlement Agreements & Final Orders / Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Final Order (21.5(1)(f))
o E. Deliberations of Contested Case Hearing(s) (21.5(1)(f))
Open Session
• VII. Action, if any, on Closed Session Agenda — The board will vote in open session about decisions made during closed session.
o A. Closed Session Minutes (21.5(1)(a))
o B. Complaints & Investigative Reports (21.5(1)(d))
o C. Notice of Hearing, Statement of Charges (21.5(d))
o D. Combined Statement of Charges, Settlement Agreement & Final Order / Settlement Agreements & Final Orders / Findings & Fact, Conclusions of Law and Final Order (21.5(1)(f))
o E. Deliberations of Contested Case Hearing(s) (21.5(1)(f))
VIII. Adjournment