IMHCA Board Job Descriptions
Job title |
Board President (Executive Committee Chair) |
Job purpose
The chair shall convene regularly scheduled board meetings, preside or arrange for other members of the executive committee to preside at each meeting in the following order: vice-chair, secretary and treasurer, safeguard the organization’s reputation and credibility, ensure progress in implementing the strategic plan and foster an environment that attracts and energizes outstanding volunteer leaders according to our mission and vision.
Two-year term to continue from President-elect position.
Elected position
Duties and responsibilities
- Maintain active membership with IMHCA.
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Attend all Board meetings.
- Oversee board and executive committee meetings.
- Act as Association’s official representative and spokesperson.
- Work in partnership with the committee chairs to make sure board resolutions are carried out.
- Call special meetings as necessary.
- Appoint all committee chairs and recommend, along with the Executive Committee, who will serve on committees.
- Prepare agenda for board meetings.
- Assist chief Membership Chair in conducting new board member orientation.
- Oversee the search for a new chief executive (when applicable).
- Work with the nominating committee to recruit new board members.
- Act as an alternate spokesperson for the organization.
- Consult with board members on their roles and help them assess their performance, individually and through an annual Board Self Assessment.
Committee Assignments
Board (Chair), Executive Committee (Chair); all Board and Operating Committees as an ex officio, non-voting member (except for the BDC); IMHCA Foundation board (CHAIR)
Job title |
President-Elect (Executive Committee Member) |
Job purpose
The President-Elect shall chair committees on special subjects as designated by the board. They are to learn and fulfil the role of president as needed. Tasked with representing IMHCA throughout the community.
One-year term starting in even years to continue on to President-elect position following this term. Term in full will be a 5-year commitment through Past-President role.
Elected position
Duties and responsibilities
- Maintain active membership with IMHCA.
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Participate in the Executive Committee for the duration of the position. Participate as a vital part of the board leadership.
- Attend all board meetings.
- Carry out special assignments as requested by the board president.
- Understand the responsibilities of the board president and be able to perform these duties in the president’s absence. Use the duration of the position to learn duties of the president role.
- Plan, organize, and host bi-annual board retreat in collaboration with strategic planning or other designated committee.
Committee Assignments
Executive Committee; IMHCA foundation stand-in
Job title |
Board Treasurer (Executive Committee Member) |
Job purpose
The treasurer shall make a report at each board meeting. The treasurer shall chair the finance committee, assist in the preparation of the budget, help develop fundraising plans, and make financial information available to board members and the public. Additional duties are as follows.
Two-year term elected in odd years
Elected position
Duties and responsibilities
- Maintain active membership with IMHCA.
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Attend all board meetings.
- Understand financial accounting for nonprofit organizations.
- Serve as financial officer of the organization and as chairperson of the finance committee.
- Works with the Finance Committee to develop long-term financial strategies and fiscal policies for recommendation to the Board to ensure the financial integrity and sustainability of the organization.
- Work with the executive committee and independent accountant/auditor to ensure Board members stay informed of legal, regulatory and sector developments relating to the Board’s financial responsibilities.
- Ensure reports are made available to the board on a timely basis. At least quarterly with a final annual report.
- Work in conjunction with independent accountant in preparing the annual budget and presenting the budget to the board for approval.
- Review the annual audit, as required by law, and answer board members’ questions about the audit.
- File taxes in accordance with state and federal laws.
Committee Assignments
Finance Committee (Chair); Executive Committee
Job title |
Board Secretary (Executive Committee Chair) |
Job purpose
The secretary shall be responsible for keeping records of board actions, including overseeing the taking of minutes at all board meetings, sending out meeting announcements, distributing copies of minutes, maintaining compliance documents, and assuring that corporate records are maintained.
Two-year term starting in even years
Duties and responsibilities
- Maintain active membership with IMHCA.
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Attend all board meetings.
- Attend all executive committee meetings.
- Ensure that accurate minutes of all Board meetings are prepared and distributed to members in a timely fashion, formally approved by the Board, and maintained in accordance with record retention policies.
- Ensure that notices for meetings and other actions are given in accordance with the provisions of the Bylaws, or as required by law.
- Ensure that all documents and records are maintained as required by law, including Board minutes and the official list of Directors, conflict of interest and pledge of service forms (signed).
- Certify and ensure that a current copy of the Bylaws is maintained and is made available to the Board during its meetings.
- Affix the seal (logo), as authorized by the Bylaws or required by law, to duly executed documents of the corporation.
- Establish electronic storage and retrieval system for Association documents and records in accordance with state and federal guidelines for nonprofits.
- Perform any other duties required by the Bylaws, Articles of Organization or the law, or at the request of the Board.
Committee Assignments
Executive Committee
Job title |
Past-President (Executive Committee Member) |
Job purpose
Participate as a vital part of the board leadership, providing advice and expertise to the executive committee and serve as expertise counsel and nonvoting member to the IMHCA Foundation Board for the duration of the term.
Duties and responsibilities
- Maintain active membership with IMHCA.
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Attend all board meetings.
- Attend executive committee meetings for the duration of the position.
- Be able/available to perform these duties in the president’s absence.
- Maintain involvement in one additional committee/event outside of assigned committees.
- Carry out special assignments as requested by the board chair.
- Participate in the search for a new executive director (when applicable).
- Work with the nominating committee to recruit new board members.
- Act as an alternate spokesperson for the organization.
- Assist the president and president-elect with the annual Board Self Assessment and take part in strategic planning as needed.
Committee Assignments
Executive Committee; IMHCA Foundation BOD
Job title |
Web Coordinator |
Job purpose
Oversee all technical aspects related to maintaining a functional and beneficial website and email database for IMHCA. Tracks and report to the board the technical data related to use of the website (generally referred to as analytics). Maintain a compliant database of email addresses and sends emails to that list as directed by other board members or committee members.
Two-year terms starting in even years.
Appointed position
Duties and responsibilities
- Maintain active membership with IMHCA.
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Attend all board meetings.
- Carry out special assignments as requested by the board chair.
- Participate as a vital part of the board leadership.
- Update website as requested by the Board and/or the Executive Committee.
- Send communication to members via email updates throughout the year as requested by all board members and committees.
- Train board and committee members on how to effectively use the website, and assist them in efforts to promote board-approved events.
- Respond to calls for action in a timely manner.
- Manage email enquiries from members and send them to the appropriate board members as needed.
Committee Assignments
Committee(s) of their choice. Must serve on at least one. Will interact with all board members and committees in this role.
Job title |
Networking and Marketing Chair |
Job purpose
Support overall comprehensive marketing and communications strategy. Partner with membership chair and member engagement committee to oversee a consistent and active communication strategy to all stakeholders for the purposes of program messaging, fundraising, awareness and branding.
Two-year terms starting in odd years.
Appointed position
Duties and responsibilities
- Maintain active membership with IMHCA.
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Attend all board meetings.
- Carry out special assignments as requested by the board chair.
- Assist in the creation of formal communication and marketing plans.
- Contribute expertise to assist in establishing organizational marketing, branding and communication plans and initiatives.
- Build on current brand and develop creative market outreach programs that will drive new partners and friends.
- Advise on strategies and development for various marketing communications channels and web presences including, electronic/social media (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc), newsletter, public relations, website and printed collateral.
- Maintain social media accounts.
- Maintain and build relationships with key industry partners and members of the press in conjunction with efforts.
- Identify key speaking engagements to help market and brand the Association.
- Assist in strategic planning efforts.
Committee Assignments
Strategic Planning; Networking and Communications committee
Job title |
Membership Chair |
Job purpose
Help to ensure the board builds strong and strategic relationships with members and community stakeholders through the integration of the organization’s education, marketing and public relations, and public policy activities.
Two-year terms starting in even years.
Appointed position
Duties and responsibilities
- Maintain active membership with IMHCA.
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Attend all board meetings.
- Participate in strategic planning efforts
- Assist in the development of a formal communications strategy specific to membership
- Carry out special assignments as requested by the board chair
- Support social media and marketing campaign efforts as assigned by the Public Relationships and Marketing Chair
- Stay abreast of current events impacting and/or of interest to membership
- Keep members informed of relevant news, trainings, and industry updates as they become available
- Coordinate award nominations and presentation at annual conference
- Update user profiles, membership, and unified dues transactions as needed
Committee Assignments
Strategic Planning; membership engagement committee
Job purpose
Ensure members at large are represented in IMHCA organizational decisions and operations. Represent the member interests with the board.
Two positions. Two-year terms alternating years.
Elected position
Duties and responsibilities
- Maintain active membership with IMHCA.
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Attend all board meetings.
- Represent member interest.
- Serve on at least one committee of their choosing.
- Continue tasks and projects started by the previous chair (as needed).
- Promote the interest of members to IMHCA and of IMHCA to the general public.
- Carry out special assignments as requested by the board chair.
Committee Assignments
Must serve on at least one committee of their choosing.
Job title |
Student Representatives (2 positions – staggered terms) |
Job purpose
Represent the views of students on matters relating to mental health counseling and act as a liaison between students and IMHCA board members.
Two positions. Two-year terms alternating years.
Elected position
Duties and responsibilities
- Maintain active membership with IMHCA.
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Maintain enrollment in a counseling program
- Attend all board meetings and committee meetings when possible (may be divided between representatives).
- Encourage attendance by all student members to IMHCA events by implementing an informal communication plan with all 3 public universities.
- Be willing to speak to student members and universities upon request.
- Maintain proper documentation of duties, special projects, reports, and other information essential to the position. Be prepared to pass this information down to future student representatives.
- Carry out special assignments as requested by the board chair.
Committee Assignments
Attend all committee meetings possible (may be divided between representatives) to ensure a wide knowledge base and understanding of the organization. Use this knowledge to encourage participation and answer questions from student members when recruiting volunteers.
Job title |
Public Policy and Legislative Committee Co-Chair |
Job purpose
Work with the public policy and legislative committee chair to promote and advocate legislative efforts while keeping the professional members and board members of IMHCA informed of legislative and public policy issues.
Two year term starting in July of odd years
Appointed by the Executive Committee of the IMHCA Board
Duties and responsibilities
- Maintain active membership with IMHCA
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives
- Attend all board meetings
- Work with the Chair collaboratively to:
- Monitor the progress of legislative efforts
- Submit quarterly updates to the IMHCA board
- Organized and motivate the public policy and legislative committee
- Coordinate with the lobbyist to monitor, analyze, and formulate appropriate positions on current and prospective legislative issues affecting practitioners and licensed individuals in the field.
- Develop and disseminate information on legislative and public policy issues to board members, IMHCA members, and the annual report as needed.
- Oversee events the committee plans
- Develop and maintain the “Day on the Hill” pamphlet
- Carry out special assignments as requested by the board
Be able and available to step in for the Chair position as needed when the chair is not available to ensure duties are fulfilled.
- This position has the opportunity to move into the Chair position at the end of their term if willing and able and with the approval of the executive committee
Committee Assignments – Public Policy and Legislative Committee
- Committee members include the Public Policy and Legislative Chair and Co-chair with all other members comprised of volunteer members from the IMHCA board or IMHCA chapter
- Coordinate at least one yearly event such as “Day on the Hill” for all IMHCA membership to actively advocate for mental health/mental health professionals
- Quarterly updates to the board on progress and developments in events or public policy and legislation
Job title |
Public Policy and Legislative Committee Chair |
Job purpose
Work with the public policy and legislative committee chair to promote and advocate legislative efforts while keeping the professional members and board members of IMHCA informed of legislative and public policy issues. Two year term starting in July of odd years
Appointed by the Executive Committee of the IMHCA Board
Duties and responsibilities
- Maintain active membership with IMHCA
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives
- Attend all board meetings
- Carry out special assignments as requested by the board
- Maintain a working relationship with the lobbyist and maintain at least weekly communication during the legislative session.
- Work with the board and executive committee to oversee the RFP process and selection/renewal of lobbyist
- Work with other committee members as needed to carry out responsibilities.
- Work with the Co-chair collaboratively to:
- Monitor the progress of legislative efforts
- Submit quarterly updates to the IMHCA board
- Organize and motivate the public policy and legislative committee
- Coordinate with the lobbyist to monitor, analyze, and formulate appropriate positions on current and prospective legislative issues affecting practitioners and licensed individuals in the field.
- Develop and disseminate information on legislative and public policy issues to board members, IMHCA members, and the annual report as needed.
- Oversee events the committee plans
- Develop and maintain the “Day on the Hill” pamphlet
- This position has the option to move into the Chair position after the two year term
Committee Assignments – Public Policy and Legislative Committee
- Committee members include the Public Policy and Legislative Chair and Co-chair with all other members comprised of volunteer members from the IMHCA board or IMHCA chapter
- Coordinate at least one yearly event such as “Day on the Hill” for all IMHCA membership to actively advocate for mental health/mental health professionals
- Quarterly updates to the board on progress and developments in events or public policy and legislation
Job title |
Conference Committee Chair |
Job purpose
Ensure our members have exceptional training opportunities for professional development and growth.
Two-year term starting in odd years
Appointed position
Duties and responsibilities
- Maintain active membership with IMHCA.
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Attend all board meetings.
- Carry out special assignments as requested by the board chair.
- Coordinate, plan, and carry out the Annual IMHCA Conference.
- Coordinate the conference committee, scheduling meetings, keeping record of meetings/progress/tasks, and ensuring that there is effective communication among its members.
- Ensure the conference is promoted and publicized.
- Work closely with the continuing education chair to ensure our conference is in compliance with all regulations/oversight as it applies.
- Answer all questions from members regarding the annual conference in a timely manner or ensure there is a process to do so.
- Complete quarterly updates to the board regarding progress of the conference.
- Maintain record of budget, expenses, and withdrawals regarding the annual conference. Ensure the conference committee is within their annual budget and report to the treasure all expenses and records relating to financials.
Committee Assignments
Conference Committee
Job title |
Professional Development Chair |
Job purpose
Ensure our members have exceptional training opportunities for professional development and growth. Ensure compliance standards are met with the maintenance of continuing education documents.
Two-year term starting in even years
Appointed position
Duties and responsibilities
- Maintain active membership with IMHCA.
- Maintain knowledge of the organization and personal commitment to its goals and objectives.
- Attend all board meetings.
- Carry out special assignments as requested by the board chair.
- Ensure continuing education opportunities are able to be used for continuing education credit in the state of Iowa.
- Maintain communication with accrediting bodies to ensure compliance with standards.
- Complete any audit from an accrediting body as it relates to continuing education for our members and the mental health provider community.
- Maintain all documents to ensure compliance with policy and accreditation needs (i.e. attendance sheets, sign-in sheets, electronic documentation).
- Ensure all aspects of the annual conference are compliant such as the brochure, documents used the day of the conference, and any announcement or publication promoting the event.
- Develop other professional development and continuing education opportunities for the board to ensure our members have ample opportunity, options, and innovative topics for continuing education in the field.
Committee Assignments
Conference Committee; Strategic Planning Committee