Iowa Board of Behavioral Science Meeting Minutes – 9/8/22
Date and Time: |
September 8, 2022 – 9:00 a.m. |
Location: |
Access to this meeting is provided both virtually and in- person. |
Participation: |
In-person meeting location:
5th Floor Conference Room 526
Lucas State Office Building
321 E 12th St, Des Moines, IA 50319
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 814 7469 9849
Passcode: 581499
Or by Phone: 1-312-626-6799 |
Board Members: |
Kevin Allemagne, Marital and Family Therapist; Kerry Lust, Public Member; Echo Kent, Marital and Family Therapist; Amy Mooney, Mental Health Counselor; Cody Samec, Mental Health Counselor; Blake Stephenson, Behavior Analyst; David Wolter, Public Member; Ramona Wink, Mental Health Counselor; Nolan Byrnes, Public Member, Maria Valdovinos, Behavior Analyst |
Call to Order:
4. Requests
- Rebecca Potenberg – emailed a request for the Board to consider changing education evaluation requirements – request to change the rules and the process.
- Graduated from school counseling program and wants the board to reconsider how the board views KCREP and wants School Counseling and Clinical Counseling to be equally accepted.
- Board decided not to review these standards. An additional waiver that was reviewed today and denied was a school counselor who was trying to get an LMHC (see below). It was felt that with this waiver discussed and denied, this request would also be denied. They would need more context and research to prompt a review of current rules and procedures, as school counseling does not require the same things that clinical counseling does and this would mean that someone may not have an appropriate internship that was clinical in nature.
- Request to waive rule 645-31.3(1)”a” regarding exam requirements – Merrie Lipton – pended from last meeting. Hardship wasn’t filled out on the form and asked for it to be completed. Wanted to be able to use the California exam rather than the national exam. The board was not opposed to approving the waiver, they just wanted the form completed and it was updated. The board did not have any opposition to this. Approved.
- Jordan Wittrock – appeal of CCE education evaluation – 645-31.6(2)
- Seeking a waiver for the CCE
- Mental health practicum couldn’t be determined if that was a mental health setting and didn’t have ethics course. School mental health setting. She noted that she worked with various diagnoses of ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, mood disorders etc. Individual counseling with them and used brief solution-focused interventions as well as CBT. She did group work and psycho education. She created treatment plans. Follow up sessions with individuals after concluding therapy. She also noted that she assessed, but did not diagnose because of the setting. She took a course that covered ACA ethics and submitted a syllabus for a course. Sounds like this was just a part of the course, but was not the focus of the course. Supervisor was school counselor and mental health counselor in North Carolina.
- Completed a few assessments, some came to her with diagnoses. Couldn’t officially give a diagnosis. Identified primary problems and treated. Because in a school setting couldn’t give a diagnosis.
- Her program didn’t offer a dual track for school psychology and mental health counseling. School wouldn’t let her do two internships. Practicum and internship were for school counseling. Major in counseling with a focus on school setting. Dual licensure was not offered. Many students added on the clinical classes. Graduated in May in North Carolina. Currently in Iowa and looking to practice here.
- Took courses across school counseling and clinical mental health counseling. Internship I and II. Amy asked about hour logs of direct and indirect client hours. Internship 1 632 total hours. 136 were direct client contact. 66 hours were individual counseling. 193 hours in practicum and 73 were direct. 350 total hours for internship II.
- Steve Lahey – request for alternate supervision – 645-31.7(2)”e”
- Psychologist as a supervisor. He wanted this due to his location in the metro. Heartland Christian Counselor. The psychologist was able to fit this in his schedule better than others in the office who do supervision. Kevin took issue with the goals of supervision on the form. Motion to approve as a partial supervision with 49% psychology and 51% LMHC/LMFT/LISW. Approved.
- Miriam McConnell – request for alternate supervision – 645-31.7(2)”e”
- Looking for supervision waiver from rules because she works with and LMSW and a psychologist in the setting of Grinnell College and is looking for appropriate supervision. This psychologist is her supervisor in the educational setting. She is a clinical psychologist and is well trained to meet her supervision needs. She is also specific to the area that Miriam wants to specialize in and cultural competency is a major factor of seeking this supervision. Approved.
5. Administrative Rules
ARC 6401C Amend Chapter 5 regarding Behavior Analyst licensure fees. Discussion. Motion to Adopt. No public opposition. $120 instead of $300. Approved.
Proposed Notice of Intended Action: Amend Chapter 31 rule 31.6 regarding foreign trained education, rule 31.16 regarding reactivation requirements, and rule 31.8 regarding endorsement requirements. See additional items in meeting details.
- Tony posed the question: Why do we need a notarized copy of the training verification? It doesn’t make sense because someone else has already approved of their education through the process if they are coming from another state or if they have been licensed. This was discussed and considered. The board did not oppose these points.
- Discussed the process and compared to other states. Some states have a slow process for identifying sanctions, but if it was found that someone had a sanction in another state and didn’t report it, this could be grounds for loss of license or at least a review by the board.
- Motion to approve of the proposed changes was made. Approved and the board will issue a proposed notice of intended action. The item will be released for public comment. And then by the next board meeting, if there is no concern from public comment, the changes can be made in IAC.
Kevin noted from the waiver reviews that there was not a review of supervision goals on the supervision plans. Courtney suggested getting some education to the public about appropriate supervision goals. Social media posts or a live discussion of this.
6. Public Comment
Members of the public wishing to address the Board may do so at this time. The Board Chair retains the discretion to determine the amount of time allowed for public comment. Anyone who has submitted material for an agenda item will be given an opportunity to address the Board during the particular agenda item.
Courtney with IMHCA just announced that there will be educational social media posts shared with IMHCA and ACA followers. This will be reviewed by the legislative committee. If the Board has any issues or themes that they see, Tony or a board member can email IMHCA and ensure that some announcement goes out.
7. Closed Session
Motion to go into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code section 21.5(1)(a), to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential, pursuant to Iowa Code section 21.5(1)(d), to discuss whether to initiate licensee disciplinary investigations or proceedings, and pursuant to Iowa Code section 21.5(1)(f), to discuss the decision to be rendered in a contested case conducted according to the provisions of 17A.
Review closed session minutes [21.5(1)(a)] – June 9, 2022