Iowa Board of Behavioral Science Meeting Notes 12/5/2023

The following are notes from Courtney Ackerson, IMHCA Executive Director. Notes are from attending the Iowa Board of Behavioral Sciences (IBBS) meeting on 9/14/23. These notes are not official from the IBBS in any way. Any feedback regarding the accuracy of these notes can be submitted to [email protected] for adjustments. IMHCA feels that the IBBS meeting information is pertinent to our practice and to our members thought their purpose is the protection of the public. These notes contain helpful tips, rule clarification, and updates.

The meeting was held outside of regularly scheduled Thursday meetings and Courtney was only aware because she pulled up the calendar in November to review the schedule.

1. Call to Order
a. Roll Call
i. Kevin Allemagne (absent), Marital and Family Therapist; Kerry Lust, Public Member; Echo Kent, Marital and Family Therapist; Amy Mooney, Mental Health Counselor; Cody Samec, Mental Health Counselor; Blake Stephenson (Absent), Behavior Analyst; Ramona Wink, Mental Health Counselor; Nolan Byrnes, Public Member, Maria Valdovinos (absent), Behavior Analyst; Lauren Wood, Marital and Family Therapist
ii. Quorum met.
b. Introductions – Courtney Ackerson, L. Browning (AG’s office), Emily DeRond, Michele Royer, Dennis Tibben
c. Announcements

2. Approval of Minutes – September 14, 2023

3. Reports
a. Board Executive – Administrative Update
i. Website: Board of Behavioral Science | Department of Inspections, Appeals, & Licensing ( The updates to the state’s website have caused some issues. The IBBS is aware of these issues. No address. The Agenda’s aren’t sending to those who used to be registered for those. There was no address (this has since been added to the website). Links to the “About the Board” do not work. The list of approved supervisors is not posted and the supervision plan submission is not online at this time. All plans can be sent to Tony Alden. There is no date for updates to be made at this time. Courtney noted that the Social Work Board page has all the IAC references listed and has a lot more information posted, but some of their links aren’t working right now either.
b. AAG – Legal Overview for Board Members – postponed for March due to not being prepared.

4. Hearings – ALL CONTINUED
In accordance with § 272C.6, disciplinary hearings may be held in open or closed session at the discretion of the licensee. Board deliberation at the conclusion of each hearing is held in closed session, as authorized by Iowa Code § 21.5(1)(f), to discuss the decision to be rendered in a contested case conducted according to the provisions of chapter 17A.
a. David Ekman – 21-0041 – 10:00 a.m.
b. John Church – 21-0243 – 2:00 p.m.

5. New Business
a. Amy Mooney – state jurisprudence exams. Discussion question: Do we need one? This would be an exam for those coming into Iowa to practice and would focus on our laws and regulations. Tony noted that he didn’t feel that the

6. Requests
a. Ashley Ray-Wing – request for temporary mental health counselor license renewal – IAC:
i. Has not taken the full exam yet at this time. She needs more time to take it. Discussed that there are four options in a year, so maybe not renewing for another whole cycle, but just a year to allow her multiple attempts if needed.
ii. approved for one year.

b. Gabrielle Llewellyn – request for alternate supervision by a Psychologist – IAC 645-31.7(2)”e”
i. This is a request for a psychologist to supervise. There is another supervisor in the office who is listed on the waiver form/info. Not clear if this person would be seen as well in the supervision plan. The psychologist is listed for group and individual sessions. Follow up is needed. No vote was taken at this time without all the information.

c. Marni Moody – request to waive rule IAC 645-31.7(3) regarding supervision plans
i. She has already submitted the education review and her education was approved. Courses were taken in the mid 1990’s. She is asking to waive the supervision plan requirement, as at that time, she didn’t have a plan requirement. She has never been fully licensed but is looking to do this now. Currently there is no timelines on supervision being within a certain length of time from your education. Board members noted that they were inclined to approve. Discussed that she is going to be part time practicing and that this would be an imposition to do supervision again at the part-time hours.

ii. Waiver granted.

7. Administrative Rules
a. Executive Order 10 rule revisions: reducing the regulatory burden and determining necessity and effectiveness of those rules. Discussion and Notice to Rescind and Replace IAC 645 Chapter 31 Licensure of Marital and Family Therapists, Mental Health Counselors, Behavior Analysts, and Assistant Behavior Analysts; Chapter 32 Continuing Education for Marital and Family Therapists and Mental Health Counselors; and Chapter 33 Discipline for Marital and Family Therapists, Mental Health Counselors, Behavior Analysts, and Assistant Behavior Analysts
i. Public hearing on the 21st – motion to notice those draft changes. There was no public comment and no members of the public present. January 30th and 31st is the next review date. Nothing will be changing since there was no public comment. March reviewing any further public comment and final review.

8. Closed Session Agenda
a. Review closed session minutes [21.5(1)(a)]
i. September 14, 2023
b. Complaints and investigative information [21.5(1)(d)]
c. Combined Statement of Charges, Settlement Agreement, and Final Orders [21.5(1)(d) and 21.5(1)(f)]

9. Return to Open Session
a. Vote on any items discussed in closed session requiring final action

10. Future Board Meetings: Calendar here: DIAL Public Meetings (
Members of the public wishing to have an item added to the next meeting agenda should submit the agenda item at least 3 weeks in advance of the scheduled Board meeting. Inclusion of items on the agenda is at the discretion of the Board Chair.
a. March 14, 2024
b. June 13, 2024
c. September 12, 2024
d. December 12, 2024

11. Adjournment