The following are notes from Courtney Ackerson, IMHCA Executive Director. Notes are from attending the Iowa Board of Behavioral Sciences (IBBS) meeting. These notes are not official from the IBBS in any way. Any feedback regarding the accuracy of these notes can be submitted to [email protected] for adjustments. IMHCA feels that the IBBS meeting information is pertinent to our practice and to our members thought their purpose is the protection of the public. These notes contain helpful tips, rule clarification, and updates.
March 14, 2024 | 9:00 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.
In-person participation: 6200 Park Ave., Conference Room 124, Des Moines, IA 50321, Virtual participation
1. Call to Order
Board Members | |
X Kevin Allemagne, Marital and Family Therapist;
X Kerry Lust, Public Member; X Echo Kent, Marital and Family Therapist; X Amy Mooney, Mental Health Counselor; X Cody Samec, Mental Health Counselor; X Ramona Wink, Mental Health Counselor; X Nolan Byrnes, Public Member, X Lauren Wood, Marital and Family Therapist Blake Stephenson, Behavior Analyst; Absent Maria Valdovinos, Behavior Analyst; Absent
Samantha Wagner – assistant Beth Jorgenson – Board Staff
a) Roll Call (above)
b) Introductions (guests)
Jennifer Becker (observation)
Sabrina Vonderhaar – Waiver request made
Dr. Treye Rosenberger – Counselor educator and practice owner (observation)
Courtney Ackerson – Executive Director for IMHCA
The board moved to waivers because one of the people was present to review their case.
c) Announcements: none
II. Approval of Open Session Minutes
a) December 4, 2023 – Approved
III. Reports
a) Report – Tony Alden, Board Executive
b). New Business
IV. Requests.
These are requests to waive rule requirements for various parts of IAC 645 – 31, 32, and 33. IMHCA does not have access to any materials reviewed by the Iowa Board of Behavioral Sciences.
a) Kate Junk – Psychologist request for approved supervisor status IAC 645- 31.7(2)”e”
Asking to be an alternate supervisor. Co-owner of a group private practice. Has been licensed for over a decade. Has her license and all requirements needed. Has completed education around supervision. Echo – not the same training and protection for the public is needed. Tony pointed out that the board has historically allowed them when an individual requests this, also noted that the standards are similar for LMFT, LMHC, LISW. Board does not feel that psychology is similar enough to our license to ensure protection of the public. 8 years ago, psychologists were able to supervise. No way of tracking primary and secondary supervisor. What are the concerns with the waiver regulations? Ramona – hard data in increase in complaints when they allow exceptions to supervisors. IMHCA would like to note that there is no record of this data made available to the public. Discussed the history of supervisors crossing licensing boards. Scope of practice and training is important. For the record, scope of practice was the main concern with the request. Denied
Morgan Szymczak – request to waive IAC 645-31.3(1)”a” regarding exam requirements
Also took the California exam. See next request for reasoning.
Megan Jackson – request to waive IAC 645-31.3(1)”a” regarding exam requirements
California exam rather than the national exam. Historically it was determined that the California exam is comprehensive enough to protect the public. Approved in the past. Changing the rules for endorsement coming up to get rid of the exam requirements for licensure by endorsement. Last august passed the exam. Moved to Iowa now. Continue seeing clients in California via telehealth. Approved.
Andrew Doig – request to approve alternate supervisor IAC 645- 31.7(2)”e”
Amanda Khader – request to approve alternate supervisor IAC 645-31.7(2)”e”
Temp license since December 2022 and first plan was for EFR an LISW, but she moved to magnolia connection Eric Coon is an LMHC and then Heather Soyer. Magnolia Connection was founded by Dr. Heather Soyer in 2021. Her passion led to the launch of Magnolia Connection as a solution to increase accessibility to brain health in Norwalk, Iowa, and the surrounding areas. This practice initially served families through comprehensive psychological evaluations for children, adolescents, and young adults. In March of 2024, they expanded our services to include medication management, and therapy for children, adolescents, and young adults. The request was to be added to this supervision plan as an additional supervisor. Questioning if she has met the CE requirements. Approved if she has.
Sabrina Vonderhaar – request to waive rule IAC 645-31.7(3) regarding supervision plans
School in New York. Had supervision here in Iowa. Thought that she was supposed to do everything prior to licensure. She has personal supervision and group supervision. Discovered in May 2022 that she had not completed the supervision plan prior to the start of her supervision. She submitted that, but then it wasn’t attached by accident. Submitted again when that was discovered (dated with the original creation date). She thought that the Wrote a letter with her supervisor demonstrating the various topics of supervision to ensure that the supervision was appropriate for the licensure. She was not aware that her supervision plan did not send with her application. Denied
Rachel Roberts. (not on the public agenda) Extension of temp license.
Issues with pursuing full license. And wants to continue to practice until her full license is continued. Pended for closed session.
Natalia (not on the public agenda) – Request a waiver of the supervision documentation by coming in by endorsement.
She is a couple of months shy of coming in by the 5 year rule. Licensed in Illinois. New rules are getting rid of the 5 year requirements. Looking for an LMHC. She says that the place closed, your supervisor is still a person that you can contact. Not sure if there is a full license in Illinois. LPC or LCPC. LCPC on the documents. Would it be a hardship to make her go get it? – person is responsible for supervision and not the agency. She doesn’t have supervision documentation from 6.5 years ago. Equal protection issues? – yes because LCPC. If pend now, it would be three months before they could review it again. She is wanting to practice in both states potentially. Not stopping her from practicing, just in Iowa. Samantha noted that if this rule is going to change, then why are we not approving this? Board asked if they were bound by the current rule and have to prove hardship. Kevin noted that the spirit of the rule change is that this was required of the Illinois license for LCPC.
Public comment being added in here.
Administrative Rules
Ramona and Tony’s positions are up in the board.
Friday is second funnel – HF 2343 direct observation hours prohibited. Discussion
HF 2385 Boards and Commissions bill – lots of changes in this bill.
Education and Outreach – Grandview and Drake student presentations. 60 Minute presentations.
Executive Order 10 – Red Tape review of ARC 7293C-IAC 645-31, 7294C-IAC 645-32, and ARC7295C- IAC 645-33. Review and Discussion of Noticed Rule Amendments – Motion to Adopt Executive Order 10 – Red Tape review of ARC 7296C thru ARC 7311C, Common rules IAC 645 Chapters 4 thru 20.
Review the Public Comments. Based on these, do they make changes? This is open for discussion.
Counseling compact: Executive committee is looking for additional people to serve on 4 committees – Compliance, Election, Finance, and Rules. Can serve on the state licensure board and does not just have to be delegates. Email Amy if you are interested. Resume required.
VII. Closed Session
Motion to go into closed session pursuant to Iowa Code section 21.5(1)(a), to review or discuss records which are required or authorized by state or federal law to be kept confidential, pursuant to Iowa Code section 21.5(1)(d), to discuss whether to initiate licensee disciplinary investigations or proceedings, and pursuant to Iowa Code section 21.5(1)(f), to discuss the decision to be rendered in a contested case conducted according to the provisions of 17A.
Review closed session minutes December 4th, 2023 [21.5(1)(a)]
Complaints and investigative information [21.5(1)(d)]
Contested case decisions [21.5(1)(f)]
VIII. Return to Open Session
Vote on any items discussed in closed session requiring final action
Future Board Meetings:
a) June 13, 2024
b) September 12, 2024
c) December 12, 2024