Legislative News February 2014

Legislative news – 02/21/2014

Under the Golden Dome

Combine funnel week with an impending blizzard and you get chaos. That is the best description for this week at the Legislature. In an effort to a) get bills through committee and b) finish work before the storm hits, committee meetings were accelerated. Subcommittee work continued at a feverish pace as supporters of bills tried to move their interests forward. The funnel deadline only applies to policy bills, not those bills that are appropriations or tax bills. And, it is important to keep in mind that nothing is really dead until the legislature adjourns sine die (adjourns with no date to return or final adjournment).  The next several weeks will focus primarily on floor action as both chambers move bills to the debate calendar. The next funnel date, March 14, requires that a bill has passed one chamber and a committee in the other chamber to remain alive. 


Bill Status After First Legislative Funnel


SF 2210:  This bill would have created a licensure program for art therapists under the purview of the Board of Behavioral Sciences.  The bill failed to survive the funnel.  IMHCA did not register on the bill but had strong concerns with the impact that this could have on the mental health counselors status for reimbursement at the federal level.


SF 2196:  This bill creates a healthcare workforce and retention initiative within the Department of Public Health.  The bill passed the Senate Human Resources Committee.  IMHCA is registered as undecided on the bill.


SF 2173:  This bill would require all school districts to establish protocols for suicide prevention and trauma informed care.  In addition, it would require all school employees to be trained every two years in suicide prevention and trauma informed care.  Finally it establishes an office of suicide prevention within the Department of Education.  This bill was approved by the Senate Education Committee without changes.  However, the subcommittee intends to draft an amendment for the floor that would move the Office of Suicide Prevention to the Department of Public Health and remove the provisions related to trauma informed care.  IMHCA is currently registered as opposed to this bill because of the concern that it puts teachers in the position of treating mental health in students.  The IMHCA position will be reviewed once the amendment is available.


HF 2245:   This bill would require all school districts to establish protocols for suicide prevention and trauma informed care.  In addition, it would require all school employees to be trained every two years in suicide prevention and trauma informed care.  Finally it establishes an office of suicide prevention within the Department of Education.  The bill failed to survive the funnel.  IMHCA is registered in opposition to the bill.


HF 2142:  This bill would require reimbursement by the state’s behavioral health plan for mental health counselors operating with a temporary license.  The bill failed to survive the funnel.  IMHCA is registered in support of the bill.


HF 2015:  This bill would require a legislative interim committee to study professional licenses to determine if they are still relevant and what, if any, impediments the state’s licensure program limits entry into the profession.  The bill was amended by the House Human Resources Committee to eliminate the nursing and medical boards.  IMHCA is registered as undecided on the bill.


HSB 525:  This bill would require school employees to undergo training on bullying and suicide prevention.  It was amended by the House Education Committee striking all references to suicide prevention.  IMHCA is registered as undecided on the bill.





2:00 PM


Submitted by: 

Emily Piper | [email protected] Piper Consulting Services P.O. Box 12011 | Des Moines, Iowa 50312-2011 Phone: 515-202-7772 | Fax: 866-869-2842