Legislative Update WEEK 19

Hello IMHCA members and mental health advocates!! Welcome to the  WEEK 19 updates. We have not had a formal update since week 16 because we have been following debates and passing of legislation and updating you in real time on social media. Thank you for following. The announcement of the telehealth bill passing in the house was one of our most interactive posts!! So exciting. We are still waiting for the governor to review and sign SF 619 – the tax bill with telehealth parity included. There is a chance some items may cause review for the Governor and it was not in the bills signed on Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Ultimately, she has been in favor of telehealth parity, so we are hopeful there is no issue. Below are a couple of additional items for this week’s update:

  1. Summary of SF 619’s mental health components
  2. HHS budget Sent to the Governor HF891
  3. The Press Release information from the Governor in the past week of the bills that she has signed
  4. Continued bill watch list

Here is a PowerPoint from Renee on what Telehealth is covered:

Telehealth policy

  1. SF 619 Mental health pieces – R. Schulte 5.19.21

    Tax compromise bill SF 619 https://www.legis.iowa.gov/legislation/BillBook?ga=89&ba=SF619
    DIv VIII – Telehealth Formerly HF 294 pg 6-7
    Div XXV Mental health funding pg 35-53
    Regional Incentive Fund
    • Separate from general fund, not counted in general fund balance
    • Performance Based Contracts
    o Authority for DHS to approve, revise or deny MHDS regions service plans and budgets
    o Requirement that regions provide all core services in 331.397
    o Requirement to use federal funds, Medicaid, 3rd party payor prior to using regional funding
    o Annual review of regional admin costs by DHS
    o DHS create outcome improvement goals
    Per capita
    • $15.86 for FY 2022.
    • $38.00 for FY 2023.
    • $40.00 for FY 2024.
    • $42.00 for FY 2025.
    • Growth up to 1.5%
    Fund balance
    • FY 2022 40%
    • FY2023 20%
    • FY 2024 and beyond 05%
    MH Regional Incentive Fund
    • $3 Million FY 2021 and beyond
    • FY 2025 and beyond up to 3.5% growth
    Quarterly reports
    • To legislators about implementation of core services
    Sunset MH Levy July 1, 2022
    Polk county
    • in kind transfer repealed July 1, 2022
    • transfer from county hospital for FY beginning Jlu 1, 2022, and FY beginning July 1, 2023

MHDS regions study to include
• Implementation of core services
• Uniformity of core between refions
• Independent contractor to conduct the study
• To Gen assembly and Gov by Dec 15,2022


2. HHS budget sent to Governor HF 891 – R. Schulte 5.19.21
Division 1 Department on Aging
Division 2 Long term care ombudsman
Division 3 Department of Public Health
• $306K for children’s statewide 24-hour hotline
• $48K rural psychologist program
• $2.1 M medical residency training
• $250K DMU/NAMI program
• $600K rural psych residencies
• $150K psychiatric training for Pas and NPs
Division 4 Veterans affairs
Division 5 Department of Human Services
• $400K for IME for contracts or personnel
• $1M to implement reductions in the children’s mental health home and community based services waiver
• 1 FTE in admin to implement children’s mental health home project
• Health programs operations
o $200K increased FTEs development and oversight of MCOs
• $40M child care programs
• General Admin
o $300K for 1 FTE and support of children’s behavioral health board
o $32K of this transferred to public health to implement new adult and child core services
• Medical Assistance
o Increase for hospice and acute mental health hospitals
o PMIC increase within $3.9M
o Home-based hab services increased $7.1 M
Division 6 Health Care accounts
Division 7 Nursing Facility reimbursement methodology
Division 8: Nursing Facility Case-mix reimbursement study
Division 9 Medicaid Eligible children – pediatric health care services
Division 10 Decat carry forward
Division 11 Prior appropriations and other provisions FIP account
Division 12 Extension of future repeal
Division 13 Public Health Emergency Provisions Covid -19 regulations
Division 14 Foster Home Insurance Fund
Division 15 MHDS Transfer of funds

• Polk county transfer funds authority
• Report to Governor and general assembly by Sept 1, 2022
• County work with DHS to maximize Medicaid use and other 3rd party payment sources
Division 16 In person supervision requirements for licensure
• LMHCs and LMFTs no longer required in person supervision
• LMHCs, LMFTs, and LISWs can supervise each other
• Board of social work and board of behavioral science create joint rules
Division 17 Medical residency liability costs
• Funding of the payment by the sponsor of medical residency program liability costs subject to provision by the sponsor of dollar-for-dollar matching funds used for payment of such costs…
Division 18 Report on non-reversion of funds
Division 19 Physician orders for scope of treatment

#3. Press release from the governor:


Governor Kim Reynolds???Lt. Governor Adam Gregg 


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Thursday, May 20, 2021   CONTACT: Pat Garrett, (515) 802-0986 


Gov. Reynolds signs legislation into law  

 DES MOINES – Today, Gov. Reynolds signed the following bills into law: 

  HF 196: an Act expanding the health care professional recruitment program.  

  HF 285: an Act relating to professional standards for the certification or designation of music therapists and providing penalties. 

  HF 304: an Act relating to personal delivery devices, providing penalties, and making penalties applicable. 

  HF 309: an Act restricting public agency disclosure of and access to certain personal information related to tax-exempt organizations, and providing penalties. 

 HF 380: an Act requiring approved driver education courses to include instruction concerning distracted driving. 

 HF 435: an Act relating to emergency contact information for use by the department of transportation and law enforcement, and including effective date provisions. 

 HF 452: an Act relating to certain civil and criminal enforcement activities involving the practice of massage therapy and cosmetology, and human trafficking, and providing penalties. 

  HF 453: an Act prohibiting the imposition of certain requirements on nonprofit corporations by state agencies or state officials. 

   HF 493: an Act relating to low-speed electric bicycles, providing penalties, making penalties applicable, and including applicability provisions. 

  HF 527: an Act relating to the authority of county boards of supervisors to amend an agreement between the counties to implement the county land record information system. 

  HF 685: an Act relating to requirements for licensees under the purview of the dental board relating to orthodontia services. 

 HF 709: an Act relating to pretrial contact between a prosecuting witness who is a minor and the defendant. 

   HF 722: an Act relating to the transfer, deposit, and appropriation of moneys to the teach Iowa scholar fund from the teacher shortage forgivable loan repayment fund and the teacher shortage loan forgiveness repayment fund. 

  HF 744: an Act providing for training, prohibitions, and requirements relating to first amendment rights at school districts and public institutions of higher education. 

   HF 753: an Act relating to unintentionally causing the death of a person by operating a motor vehicle at an excessive speed, providing penalties, and making penalties applicable. 

  HF 765: an act relating to providing certain local government notices and other information to persons by electronic means. 

   HF 768: an Act concerning licensing of and sales by native distilleries, beer manufacturers, native breweries, and native wine manufacturers. 

 HF 793: an Act relating to participation in and credit for physical education under the educational standards. 

 HF 828: an Act relating to commercial driver’s license driving skills tests, providing fees, and including effective date provisions. 

  HF 835an Act relating to trusts for persons with disabilities. 

    HF 839an Act relating to the financial exploitation of designated eligible adults. 

   HF 846: an Act relating to title fees for snowmobiles, all-terrain vehicles, and vessels of surviving spouses. 

   HF 869: an Act creating a permit allowing the operation of vehicles of excessive weight transporting fluid milk products, providing fees, and including effective date provisions. 

  HF 889: an Act prohibiting the mandatory disclosure of whether a person has received a vaccination for COVID-19, disqualifying certain entities from receiving state grants or contracts, and including effective date provisions. 

   SF 387: an Act relating to courses of study and training programs of the Iowa law enforcement academy and veterans educational assistance benefits, and including effective date provisions 

  SF 424: an Act relating to the licensure of persons completing an apprenticeship, and including effective date provisions. 

  SF 541: an Act relating to electronic transactions by permitting the use of distributed ledger technology and smart contracts and including effective date provisions. 

 Yesterday, Gov. Reynolds also signed the following bills into law:  

 HF 311: an Act relating to the frequency of game nights conducted by licensed qualified organizations. 

 HF 675: an Act relating to rules adopted by the board of educational examiners establishing standards for substitute teacher authorizations. 

 HF 770: an Act relating to licensure renewal requirements adopted by rule by the board of educational examiners 


#4. Bill Watch List:

Bills & Rules Watch
Note Name Title
Audio only telehealth-support* – unfinished business calendar HF 431  

A bill for an act relating to the provision of audio-only telehealth or telemedicine by health care professionals.(Formerly HF 88.)

Education bill – operational sharing language to include mental health professionals HF 868  

A bill for an act relating to the funding of, the operation of, and appropriation of moneys to the college student aid commission, the department for the blind, the department of education, and the state board of regents, providing for properly related matters, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. Effective date: 07/01/2021. Applicability date: 04/16/2021, 07/01/2020. Effective date: 07/01/2021. Applicability date: 04/16/2021, 07/01/2020.

House Budget Bill-Support – includes language for online supervision and supervision of each license LISW, LMHC and LMFT. Sent to Governor HF 891  

A bill for an act relating to appropriations for health and human services and veterans and including other related provisions and appropriations, providing penalties, and including effective date and retroactive and other applicability date provisions. Effective date: 07/01/2021. Applicability date: 07/01/2020. Effective date: 07/01/2021. Applicability date: 07/01/2020. Effective date: 07/01/2021.

House block grant bill – undecided Sent to Governor HF 895  

A bill for an act appropriating federal moneys made available from federal block grants and other nonstate sources, allocating portions of federal block grants, and providing procedures if federal moneys or federal block grants are more or less than anticipated, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions. (Formerly HSB 276.)

Continuing Education Requirements -support* – unfinished business calendar SF 354  

A bill for an act relating to continuing education requirements for persons holding certain professional and occupational licenses. (Formerly SF 163.)

Governing Board-undecided* – unfinished business calendar SF 461  

A bill for an act relating to the voting members of a governing board of a mental health and disability services region.(Formerly SSB 1158.)

Operation of State Government-undecided* – unfinished business calendar SF 487  

A bill for an act relating to the operation of state government, including the review of state boards and the regulation of professions and occupations, and including effective date and applicability provisions. (Formerly SSB 1046.)

Psychiatric bed tracking bill – support – Sent to Governor SF 524  

A bill for an act establishing an inpatient psychiatric bed tracking system study committee. (Formerly SSB 1227.) Effective date: 07/01/2021

Applied Behavioral Analysis-undecided* Signed by Governor SF 532  

A bill for an act providing for statements of professional recognition for licensed behavior analysts and mental health professionals by the board of educational examiners and including effective date provisions.  (Formerly SSB 1231.) Effective date: 05/10/2021.

MH Tax bill includes MH parity original HF 294 – support – Sent to Governor SF 619  

A bill for an act relating to state and local revenue and finance by modifying future tax contingencies, the state inheritance tax, the sales and use tax relating to food banks, the tax on promotional play receipts, the sales and use tax relating to food banks, the tax on promotional play receipts, mental health and disability services funding, school district funding, commercial and industrial property tax replacement payments, providing for housing incentives, providing for other properly related matters, making appropriations, and including effective date, applicability, and retroactive applicability provisions.  (Formerly SSB 1276.) Effective date: 07/01/2022, 07/01/2029, 01/01/2022, 07/01/2021, 01/01/2023. Applicability date: 03/17/2020, 01/01/2021.