Legislative Update – WEEK 5

Hello IMHCA members! Sorry this was delayed this week. Enjoy! – Courtney Ackerson


Week 5: IMHCA

1.   Bill of the week

HF 372: Non-medical Switching & Continuity of Care-Support

Subcommittee recommended passage on 2/11/2021. Summary points:

  • If you are stabilized on a medication, then the insurance can’t just switch you without doctor’s permission
  • Advocates and patients all supported this bill
    • insurances companies opposed, but Legislators respond that if this bill wasn’t needed, then people wouldn’t be pushing for it. Potential call to action may be needed in the future for this bill

2.   Need to know

HF 107 is now HF 485- LMHC Supervision

  • It lets the licenses of licenses of LMFTs and LMHCs and independent social workers supervise each other according to Iowa Code 154C and D. This would require an ammendment from the Iowa Board of Behavioral Sciences to the Iowa administrative code (IAC) 645 chapter 31.
  • Requirement of in-person supervision is no longer required
    • Immediate change and would require IAC ammendment
  • The board of social work and the board of behavioral health will work together to pursue joining administrative roles
  • People who are not licensed can work under the supervision of others (Not clear what this is trying to accomplish… Will clarify this)

3.   Moving Bills

Upcoming Subcommittees on 2/15/21

  • SSB 1125-Oppose
    • Eligibility of Medicaid
      • Wants current eligibility
    • Would cost a lot of money for the state
  • SSB 1164-Support
    • Cleaning up claims & Making it a faster process

90% of clean claims shall be accurately paid or denied within 14 calendar day, 95% of clean claims shall be accurately paid or denied within 21 calendar days and 100% of clean claims shall be accurately paid or denied within 30 calendar days of receipt by the MCO.

UPDATE ON TELEHEALTH from Renee’s presentation with NASW that we were invited to attend.

Audio Only Bill update:

Bills & Rules Watch
Note Name Title
Supervision for Therapists-supported* HF 485 A bill for an act relating to supervision requirements for licensed marital and family therapists, mental health counselors, and social workers, and including effective date provisions.(Formerly HF 107.)
IMD Waiver-undecided* HF 479 A bill for an act relating to a Medicaid demonstration waiver to support and improve the delivery of mental health services through institutions for mental diseases.
Occupational therapy licensure-undecided* HSB 201 A bill for an act establishing the occupational therapy licensure compact.
Evaluation of MCO’s-support* HF 447 A bill for an act relating to the evaluation of Medicaid-managed care long-term services and supports.
Reimbursement for SUD. -undecided* HF 446 A bill for an act relating to substance use disorder treatment and behavioral health services and reimbursement, and including effective date provisions.
Transportation Services for disabled-support* SF 293 A bill for an act including transportation services as a core service domain under the regional mental health and disability services system.
Audio only telehealth-support*; formerly HF 88. HF 431 A bill for an act relating to the provision of audio-only telehealth or telemedicine by health care professionals.(Formerly HF 88.)
Non-Medical Switching & Continuity of Care-support* Subcommittee passage on 2/11 HF 372 A bill for an act relating to continuity of care and nonmedical switching by health carriers, health benefit plans, and utilization review organizations, and including applicability provisions.
Medicaid Program Processes & Oversight-Support* Subcommittee meeting on 2/15 SSB 1164 A bill for an act relating to Medicaid program processes and oversight.
Apprenticeship-undecided* subcommittee recommended passage 2/11/21 SSB 1149 A bill for an act relating to the licensure of persons completing an apprenticeship, and including effective date provisions.
Non-certified staff-undecided* HSB 172 A bill for an act relating to the qualifications of noncertified staff providing early and periodic screening, diagnosis, and treatment benefit services under the Medicaid program.
Medicaid Program & Oversight-support* HSB 169 A bill for an act relating to Medicaid program processes and oversight.
Public Assistance Program Oversight-oppose* Subcommittee meeting on 2/15 SSB 1125 A bill for an act relating to public assistance program oversight.
Telehealth $ parity-support* Formerly HF 89; Fiscal Note: https://www.legis.iowa.gov/docs/publications/FN/1211014.pdf HF 294 A bill for an act relating to reimbursement rates for health care services for mental health conditions, illnesses, injuries, or diseases provided to covered persons by telehealth, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.(Formerly HF 89.)
Out-of-state Telehealth-undecided* Passed subcommittee on 2/3/21 & passed subcommittee 2/8/21. HF 269 A bill for an act prohibiting certain health carriers from excluding certain out-of-state health care professionals from participating as providers, via telehealth, under the carriers’ policies, plans, and contracts, and including effective date and applicability provisions.
Non medical switching-support* SF 178 A bill for an act relating to continuity of care and nonmedical switching by health carriers, health benefit plans, and utilization review organizations, and including applicability provisions.
Continuing Education Requirements-support* Passed subcommittee on 2/4/21. SF 163 A bill for an act relating to continuing education requirements for persons holding certain professional and occupational licenses.
Legalize Conversion Therapy-Against* HF 193 A bill for an act relating to actions relative to treatment or intervention regarding the discordance between a  minor’s sex and gender identity, and providing civil penalties.
Bans Transgender bathrooms-Against* HF 187 A bill for an act relating to unfair practices involving access to areas of public accommodations or educational institutions.
Extension of License deadlines-support* HF 133 A bill for an act relating to the extension of deadlines for the completion of continuing education requirements.
Online Continuing Education-support* HF 132 A bill for an act relating to online continuing education courses for maintaining a professional license.
Gender Identity Hate Crimes-Undecided* HF 120 A bill for an act modifying the elements defining hate crimes, and providing penalties.
Medicaid waiver for SUD-support* HF 108 A bill for an act relating to a Medicaid demonstration waiver to support and improve the delivery of substance use disorder treatment services.
Telehealth $ parity-registered as support*; incomplete needs amendment SF 92 A bill for an act relating to reimbursement rates for health care services provided to covered persons by telehealth, and including effective date and retroactive applicability provisions.
Operation of State Government-Passed subcommittee with amendments on 2/3-Undecided* SSB 1046 A bill for an act relating to the operation of state government, including the review of state boards, the regulation of professions and occupations, and investigations conducted by state boards, and including effective date and applicability provisions.
Bed Tracking-Undecided-no one has registered * HF 54 A bill for an act relating to the inpatient psychiatric bed tracking system.
Psychology interjurisdictional-undecided.-undecided* SF 78 A bill for an act adopting the psychology interjurisdictional compact.
Certificate of need-undecided. Broadlawns is undecided-undecided* SF 4 A bill for an act relating to the elimination of the certificate of need process relating to the development of a new or changed institutional health service.