Mental Health Survey: State of Mental Health Therapy in Iowa

Drake University is conducting a study on mental health counselors’ perceptions and applications of somatic counseling strategies in mental health therapy.  Somatic approaches are sometimes referred to as body-based or “bottom up” therapies, and include a wide array of practices such as EMDR, trauma informed yoga, meditation, and nature-based therapies.  If you are interested in participating in this study, please read the informed consent information below, and follow the link.  The survey should take no longer than 5-10 minutes, and will help us determine where Iowa lies in the practice of somatic therapy techniques.


Survey Link:




Title of Study: Mental Health Counselors’ Perceptions and Application of Somatic Counseling Strategies 


Investigator:               Sean Abramowitz, Tracy Beck, Bailey McGrath, Marcus Walsh 

      Robert Stensrud faculty supervisor 


This is a research study. Please take your time in deciding if you would like to participate. Please feel free to ask questions at any time by emailing [email protected] 


The profession of counseling has shifted from the Freudian interhuman co-regulation approach, to the reductionistic behavioral counseling approach, to the left-brain cognitive behavior therapy approach, and now seems to be returning to the interhuman co-regulation somatic therapy approach. This study seeks to learn the degree to which somatic therapies are gaining interest among IMHC members. 


If you agree to participate, you will be asked to proceed to the Qualtrics link and complete the survey. There are specific questions that request a response using a scale of 1 to 5 and questions that request narrative responses. You do not need to complete all the questions if you do not wish to or if it becomes too time consuming 

This study will take approximately 15 minutes. 



While participating in this study you may experience the following risks: Time pressure for other responsibilities, discomfort reflecting on specific topics, or other minimal discomfort. If you are negatively impacted at any time during or after this study, please contact [email protected]. 


If you decide to participate in this study there may be no direct benefit to you except the study should improve our understanding of how the current COVID-19 environment affects individuals involved in public education. 


If you participate, you will receive no compensation. 


Participant Rights 

Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and you may refuse to participate or leave the study at any time. If you decide to not participate in the study or leave the study early, it will not result in any penalty or loss of benefits to which you are otherwise entitled. You can skip any questions that you do not wish to answer or leave the focus group at any time if you wish. 




Any information obtained in connection with this research study that can be identified with you will be disclosed only with your permission; your results will be kept confidential. In any written reports or publications, no one will be identified or identifiable and only group data will be presented.  However, federal government regulatory agenciesauditing departments of Drake University, and the Institutional Review Board (a committee that reviews and approves human subject research studies) may inspect and/or copy the records from the survey for quality assurance and data analysis. These records may contain private information but that is highly unlikely unless you include it in your responses.  


To ensure confidentiality to the extent permitted by law, the following measures will be taken: We will not ask for anything other than your responses to the questions regarding a feeling of safety and security and the grade level at which you teach. 


Contacts and Questions 

You are encouraged to ask questions at any time during this study.   

  • For further information about the study contact [email protected] 515-271-3061   
  • If you have any questions about the rights of research subjects or research-related injury, please contact the IRB Administrator, (515) 271-3472, [email protected]. 


You may keep a copy of this form for your records 




Statement of Consent: 

Your progressing to the link that includes the survey and uploading the survey constitute your consent to participate. Even after beginning this process, please know that you may withdraw from the study at any time by exiting the Qualtrics link. 


Follow the Link Below to Complete the Survey