Telehealth request to the Governor – Advocacy

**UPDATE** 5/26/2020
NEW PROCLAMATION FROM THE GOVERNOR TO LAST THROUGH June 25,2020. See whole proclamation here:

Extends coverage of telehealth services.


Hello IMHCA members and interested parties!! We are creating a call to ACTION! We are asking for continued telehealth coverage for the state of Iowa in an extended proclamation which is currently scheduled to end May 27, 2020. We heard from the governor’s office on May 21, 2020 that she had not yet determined her position on telehealth coverage. This has sprung us into action for LMHCs!

We have released a letter to the governor just in time for her next week of press conferences. IMHCA and ACA of Iowa have collaborated to create the following position to continue the established telehealth parameters in her April 27th proclamation. Her proclamation is here:

The letter to the governor from IMHCA and ACA of Iowa can be read here:

IMHCA Letter to the governor 5-25-2020

CALL | EMAIL | MAIL your own request in this CALL to ACTION. Don’t forget to post to social media in your own post or share IMHCA’s post. See below for templates to utilize for your own advocacy.

CALL and leave a message or speak with someone in the office at (515)281-5211 Monday through Friday 8 AM to 4:30 PM.


“Governor Reynolds, Hello, My name is _____________. I am a licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) and therapist in the state of Iowa. Thank you for all your work and dedication to Iowans during the Covid crisis in Iowa, I specifically want to address the telehealth flexibility you have honored with your proclamation 2020.4, Section 67 from April 27. We, as licensed mental health counselors, appreciate your support fully funding telehealth in this unprecedented time. We wanted to share with you how the funding and flexibilities your proclamation has allowed have been and will continue to be important during these difficult times. As you know, the need for mental health services has never been greater. As in any other crisis, the peak need of mental health services is typically 6 to 12 months after the crisis itself. We are asking that you extend your proclamation related to telehealth services for Iowans.


In line with the state and CDC guidelines, we believe telehealth will continue as an essential tool in maintaining Iowan’s mental health in the time of crisis and beyond. Moving to the telehealth method of service delivery was swift, timely, and costly for our mental health providers; however, there was great support across the state and from your office to make this move. It has been a great addition to health care across the state. Benefits to Iowans from this proclamation have included [add your own anecdotal story or points below here]:

  1. Increased access to funds for providers across the state which have helped with: the need for equipment, data or broadband increases, personal protective equipment and supplies, and creating space for working from home while continuing to fund office or administrative expenses while some experienced decreasing caseloads in the early weeks of the pandemic.
  2. Increased access to services. Clients from rural areas were able to obtain services from a distance that they may not have been able to see with barriers to travel present.
  3. Phone sessions have drastically increased the amount of contact providers can make with their clients in need, especially in these times of isolation, heightened anxiety, and increased separation from others. These have been particularly useful for clients who do not have reliable internet connections or the equipment to engage in screen telehealth services.

Many of our clients will continue to need distance therapy services for various reasons such as age, immune compromised, co-occurring health conditions, working in high-risk populations, or having others they do not want to expose in their household. [add own story here] For many providers, it is in their best interest to continue working from home for their own family’s safety and health. We have providers working in person as well throughout this crisis. Across these various types of service delivery, the mental health providers are attempting to meet a wide range of client needs. With this known progress made in the field of telemental health, mental health providers are asking you to consider the following:

  • Requiring Medicaid and private insurers to pay the same rate for a service regardless of how it is delivered (telehealth payment parity which would also include phone only).
  • Permanently waiving all site of service requirements, so that people can receive services at home, in school, or at their business, and practitioners can deliver these services from their home office or business.

Maintaining the equitable funding for services as well as decreasing the barriers to seek services are critical in these uncertain times. Thank you again for your dedication to mental health and support to the provider community.”


The following template can be used to send your own letter or email:

Governor Reynolds,


As a licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor (LMHC) and therapist in the state of Iowa, I would like to thank you for all your work and dedication to Iowans during the Covid crisis in Iowa. We, as licensed mental health counselors, appreciate your support fully funding telehealth in this unprecedented time. We wanted to share with you how the funding and flexibilities your proclamation has allowed have been and will continue to be important during these difficult times. As you know, the need for mental health services has never been greater. As in any other crisis, the peak need of mental health services is typically 6 to 12 months after the crisis itself. We are asking that you extend your proclamation related to telehealth services for Iowans.


Because of your public health proclamation 2020.4, Section 67, mental health counselors have been allowed to utilize telehealth in various ways, from various locations, with matched reimbursement for in-office visits. In line with the state and CDC guidelines, we believe telehealth will continue as an essential tool in maintaining Iowan’s mental health in the time of crisis and beyond. Moving to the telehealth method of service delivery was swift, timely, and costly for our mental health providers; however, there was great support across the state and from your office to make this move. It has been a great addition to health care across the state. Benefits to Iowans from this proclamation have included [add your own anecdotal story or points below here]:

  1. Increased access to funds for providers across the state which have helped with: the need for equipment, data or broadband increases, personal protective equipment and supplies, and creating space for working from home while continuing to fund office or administrative expenses while some experienced decreasing caseloads in the early weeks of the pandemic.
  2. Increased access to services. Clients from rural areas were able to obtain services from a distance that they may not have been able to see with barriers to travel present.
  3. Phone sessions have drastically increased the amount of contact providers can make with their clients in need, especially in these times of isolation, heightened anxiety, and increased separation from others. These have been particularly useful for clients who do not have reliable internet connections or the equipment to engage in screen telehealth services.


Many of our clients will continue to need distance therapy services for various reasons such as age, immune compromised, co-occurring health conditions, working in high-risk populations, or having others they do not want to expose in their household. For many providers, it is in their best interest to continue working from home for their own family’s safety and health. We have providers working in person as well throughout this crisis. Across these various types of service delivery, the mental health providers are attempting to meet a wide range of client needs. With this known progress made in the field of telemental health, mental health providers are asking you to consider the following:

  • Requiring Medicaid and private insurers to pay the same rate for a service regardless of how it is delivered (telehealth payment parity which would also include phone only).
  • Permanently waiving all site of service requirements, so that people can receive services at home, in school, or at their business, and practitioners can deliver these services from their home office or business.


Maintaining the equitable funding for services as well as decreasing the barriers to seek services are critical in these uncertain times. Thank you again for your dedication to mental health and support to the provider community.



Your name and credentials here



Thank you for all you do! We can do great things when we work together!


The IMHCA Board